The Teach Not Punish (TNP) TEAMS (Together Everyone Achieves More Success) Academic Intervention program focuses on small group tutoring using a web-based curriculum tailored to student’s individual needs along with one-on-one tutoring opportunities. Our program is complete with accelerated specialized learning for every K-8 subject, focusing on math and reading topics, progress monitoring, and positive reinforcement for student motivation.
The Teach Not Punish (TNP) TEAMS Behavior Intervention program focuses on educating children on ways to respond appropriately and interact with others by learning and practicing social skills to equip them to change their behaviors. The taught strategies will entrust the children to learn and practice social skills in school, at home, and in the community, enhancing behavior and academic success. TNP Educators, Parents, Teachers, and Mentors work together to strengthen teaching and parenting effectiveness to shape children’s behaviors by providing positive reinforcement for appropriate social skills. Click here to schedule a no-cost behavior intervention consultation.
We believe in supporting our community professionals by providing training to cultivate skills to build rapport and healthy relationships with families. This support encourages a positive integrated experience between families, school, and mental health professionals, to reach goals. Click here to schedule a no-cost professional consultation.

Our families are encouraged to receive support from certified case managers and counselors who assist each member of the family meet individual and family goals. We believe that it's essential to have a plan to accomplish (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) S.M.A.R.T. goals. Our strength-based Individual Educational Plan (IEP) and Family Educational Plans (FEP) developed with family members, the educator (case manager), and the diagnostician (counselor) drive goals and objectives. Click here to schedule a family meeting for resources.

Through our partnerships with mental health agencies and organizations, we support families by enhancing families’ access to community resource assistance programs such as food banks, clothing closets, utility pay, rent pay, job placement programs, legal support, transportation, and more. We believe in meeting people where they are. Therefore, we advocate and link families to resources to improve overall family function. Click here for our list of community resources.